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The Future people are a personification from desk and field research and went through several iterations. The profiles focus on health and wellbeing, financial and digital literacy, current life situation, relationships with the bank, and relationships within communities and social groups. The notion of Teachable Moments was borrowed from the healthcare realm - moments of transition, when one might be open to learn.


The Future People Profile Cards describe a more detailed synopsis of each of the Future People’s characteristics.


Even though the Future People are independent from the Spheres of Influence and it’s touchpoints, they were used together to build specific Experience Narratives and explore how the bank could be adaptable and support each described situation.


The Behaviour Groups represent overarching ways that customers and employees will act in 2028 and are exemplified through the Future People. There are seven groups in total.


The Future People with their combined Behaviour Groups represent the multi-faceted nature of people’s behaviours and values. Future people can also be a part of different Behavioral Groups during different life stages.

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